Expand description

C compatible functions to use in C and JNI bindings


Block header

Simple box selection algorithms

Collections that can be manipulated from outside Rust

Ergo constant values

Contract, for easier ErgoTree generation

DataInput type

Box (aka coin, or an unspent output) is a basic concept of a UTXO-based cryptocurrency. In Bitcoin, such an object is associated with some monetary value (arbitrary, but with predefined precision, so we use integer arithmetic to work with the value), and also a guarding script (aka proposition) to protect the box from unauthorized opening.

Ergo blockchain state (for ErgoTree evaluation)


Code to simplify conversion of ergo_lib errors into local Error.

Extended Secret Key functionality

Block header with the current spendingTransaction, that can be predicted by a miner before it’s formation

Ergo input

Bindings for NiPoPow

Represent reduced transaction, i.e. unsigned transaction where each unsigned input is augmented with ReducedInput which contains a script reduction result.

Secret key

Token types

Ergo transaction

Unsigned transaction builder

Utility functions and types

Wallet-like features


Type Definitions